

5 / 07 2021

How Long Can Glassware Last? 


Does glassware expire?

Many people have wondered if the glassware has an expiry date or not.  And when should we replace them? This article below is going to give you more than just useful information. 

Ly thủy tinh có hạn sử dụng không? Trên thực tế, Ly thủy tinh cũng giống như các sản phẩm làm từ những chất liệu khác là đều có hạn sử dụng. Tuy nhiên, các món Ly làm từ chất liệu này chỉ có thể bị cũ đi hoặc bể vỡ nhưng không hề gây hại cho sức khỏe giống như nhựa hay kim loại.

Same as other materials, glassware does have an expiry date

Does glassware expire?

In fact, glassware is close to other materials with expiry dates. Nevertheless, they only get old or scattered with time while not leaving the user’s health harmed like plastic or metal. 

Chọn ly thủy tinh chất lượng để đảm bảo sức khỏe

Select high-quality glassware for your health

According to several surveys, products made from pure glass usually have none of the limitations in terms of time. No matter how long they’ve been used, there is no harmful chemical reaction while using. In spite of what has stated, if you choose to buy really cheap and low-quality glassware, they could still affect your health. 

Some recent researches have shown that low-quality glassware contains an amount of lead. While using glassware products, lead could stick into the food then enter your body, from which strange illness may occur. 

The reason for this hides in a deceiving process during glassware manufacturing. Low-quality materials are picked in order to gain more profit for the manufacturers and cost less for the purchasers. 


Despite the low price, the lack of awareness when buying bad quality products can easily affect your health.  

Consequently, it is advised by experts that you should buy glassware or any households which have a clear origin and reliable brand.

You can also apply some quick testing methods via the glassware’s echo or soak them in vinegar. 

Mua Ly thủy tinh chất lượng ở đâu?

Where to buy good-quality glassware?

Where to buy good-quality glassware?

The market today has many units that provide products made from glass. Based on your budget, you can easily choose the product you like.

One of the more experienced suppliers is CUPS.VN. With numerous years of experience in the business, we are confident to bring you a service with a variety of models coming in different types and quality assurance.

The glassware at is imported directly from big glassware brands such as Libbey and Ocean at an extremely affordable price. 

For more details, please contact us via the hotline or leave a message on the website to receive free consultancy and instant support. 

093 432 5992

098 422 9110


🏬Address: 29 Nam Chau, Ward 11, Tan Binh Dis, HCMC, Vietnam


Hotline 0984229110